
Monday, April 19, 2010

Why we should be suspicious of corporate social responsibility

image courtsey of P.a.p-Blog

Interesting to read about the Edelman* Trust Barometer which tracks trust worldwide in institutions, including private sector industries, government agencies, the media and NGO's. The latest report found that trust in government and the private sector is low, and in many industry sectors is declining. NGOs remain the most trusted institution.

Discussing the implications of the findings, the Report authors urge the private sector to collaborate with the NGO sector to "exploit" their high levels of trust. Their conclusion is that corporations are likely to be trusted more if they partner with an NGO.

Here in a nutshell is an explanation for the growing corporate interest in "corporate social responsibility" and "community business partnerships". These are largely strategies of image management designed to overcome the poor image and reputation of corporations and business by attaching themselves to NGOs and causes.

* Edelmans is one the world's largest public relations firms

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